ContextCapture Cloud Processing Console


ContextCapture cloud processing console does not require a license to run and its usage is not counted. However, ContextCapture Cloud Processing Service entitlement is required to submit jobs to ContextCapture Cloud Processing Service:

ContextCapture Cloud Processing Service entitlement is available with:

  • The Reality Modeling Cloud Service Entitlement (requires a CSS).
  • The E365 Entitlement, as a Category B Product.

Submitting projects in the cloud with ContextCapture Cloud Processing Console will record usage, measured by:

  • Processing Units: based on the amount of data processed.
  • Data management units: based on the amount of data stored on ProjectWise ContextShare (input data, project files, output data).

ContextCapture Cloud Processing Service relies on ProjectWise ContextShare for the resource storage. ProjectWise ContextShare entitlement is not mandatory to user ContextCapture Cloud Processing service.

For more information, please review how those units are computed on Bentley Communities website.